What is Plein Air Painting, Anyway?
Plein air painting, meaning "in the open air," involves painting outdoors, directly within the landscape. Popularized by the French Impressionists, it allows artists to capture the natural world in its most immediate and dynamic form.
As someone who often feels overwhelmed by how busy life has become and the excess noise of social media and the digital world, there are few moments that can calm my soul the way painting in nature can.
I began plein air painting as a student at Savannah College of Art and Design, biking to the "Rail Trail" to paint marsh grasses at sunset. Observing the changing light on the grasses, I gained a deeper understanding of the French Impressionists’ techniques.
This practice of painting outdoors with minimal supplies has remained a favorite of mine, bringing a sense of calm and providing valuable lessons from painting on location.
The Benefit of Nature
Setting up my easel outdoors immerses me in the environment. The fresh air, sounds, and changing light all influence my painting, creating an authentic connection between the artwork and its setting.
Capturing Fleeting Moments
Plein air painting captures specific moments in time. Rapidly changing light and shadows challenge me to work quickly, infusing my paintings with spontaneity and energy.
The Challenge and Reward:
Plein air painting is both challenging and rewarding. Overcoming obstacles like transporting materials and dealing with the elements pushes me to be more resourceful. The result is dynamic, intuitive, and deeply personal paintings.
I curate my plein air paintings into arranged series based on location and theme. I frame them in beautiful, handmade white frames that enhance their elegance and color. These collections offer an eye-catching and cleanly styled artwork series, helping to bring a healthy contrast and fresh look to wall spaces.
Throughout July I will be curating a new series of plein air paintings to be released in August, so stay tuned. Follow me on Instagram to see more of my latest plein air series coming to life.

For more information about how to arrange plain air artwork on your walls, see this post.
Check out my other plein air adventures, like this 30 day painting challenge in Maine here or this plein air painting adventure to Panama here.
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- Sign up for premium access to new artwork and member only pricing. It’s free and a nice place to spend time checking out new art as it is created.
- Interior Designers, sign up here for art & ID related updates and collaboration opportunities.
- Give me a follow on Instagram to see my work coming to life in real-ish time. The more audience that shows up, the more content I will produce.
- Check out my 2024 events list and mark your calendar. I update this list as things are added, so come back often.